I'd left the rudder assembly until now due to lack of space in my workshop/polytunnel. However, the time came to construct a sort of slipway from the polytunnel into the outside world (or my back garden as it's sometimes called) so that work could proceed.
The rudder plans show two cheeks spaced apart by the thickness of the rudder but of course, if you do this you end up with a rudder firmly clamped between the cheeks which really need a couple of mm extra space to allow the rudder to swivel. I also inset some 1 mm tunfnol washers in both the cheeks and the blade to help smooth the swivelling.
I find these drop rudders a bit of a pain in use, so routed out a recess in the blade to hold about 2 kg of lead (this being enough to counter the buoyancy of the blade). Hopefully then, I'll only need a single line to raise the blade - really no telling until it's in the water. (Voice from the future: 2 kg wasn't enough; 3 kg probably)
The decoration shown is of course quite unnecessary and matches some equally pointless art nouveau on the bow - but I like it!
Next came the spars - nice lengths of Douglas Fir - which, after simply hours of planing and rasp work, came to resemble mast, boom and yard - finished with about 10 coats of oil. I'm presently working on the fittings and rigging - but more of that in a future post.
Also, today I started to plan the outboard well detail - something I've been putting off for as long as possible. I really, really don't want to cut an opening in the hull and I don't yet have an motor - huge expense - pact with the devil possibly called for!
For what seems like months (largely because it has been months!) there has been little progress - due almost entirely to low temperatures. Too cold to varnish, paint or use epoxy. Also, the polytunnel has been dripping constantly which really mucks up fresh epoxy. Now at last work is under way again but I confess I'm not one of the world's great varnishers. Nevertheless, I'm out there day after day rubbing down and applying coat after coat and hoping that I don't die before it's all completed. The base coats are of gloss but the finishing 2 coats will be Hempel's Dura Satin which seems far more in keeping with a trad. boat.

To distract myself, I've bought the sails - gorgeous dark tan from Sail Register - and am scouring the web for motors and trailers - neither of which I can currently afford. Surprisingly (or perhaps not) there's little information as to a suitable size of motor - just have to be guided by the size of the outboard well - probably a 4 - 6 hp with low pitch prop. Also, none of the advertised trailers seem to suit this style of hull so may end up visiting the local blacksmith again. Odd that there are no trailer manufacturers in Scotland. At least the low temps. haven't preventing progress with fitting 15 m of brass keelband (which involved a lot of lying underneath 300 kg of boat!) and the result looks quite smart.
The locker lids and catches have also been completed and a couple of really cool bronze fairleads from Classic Marine have been fitted; almost looking ship shape now!

London Stainless Fasteners Ltd. www.londonstainless.com - (great range of nuts, bolts, washers, etc. and you can buy them singly.)
Sitebox. www.thesitebox.com/ (stainless steel bolts).
Fyne Boat Kits UK. www.fyneboatkits.com (kits, plans, wide range of materials, information and advice)
Force4 Chandlery. www.force4.co.uk (marine chandlers)
Selway Fisher. www.selway-fisher.com (marine design, plans, advice)
The Battery Masters. www.batterymasters.co.uk (batteries suitable for marine use)
Classic Marine. www.classicmarine.co.uk (general marine tackle, bronze screws & nails, full range of Oughtred plans).
Robbins Timber. www.robbins.co.uk (large range of timber, fixings, resins)
Sail Register. www.sailregister.co.uk (sails & covers to measure).
Wires.co.uk. http://wires.co.uk (copper wires suitable for stitch & glue construction).
East Coast Fibreglass Supplies. www.ecfibreglasssupplies.co.uk (resins, fillers, matting, brushes, etc.)
Prism Plastics. www.prismplastics.co.uk (plastic washers, spacers, etc.).
Marinestore. http://marinestore.co.uk (general marine chandlers - esp. bronze screws)
Bosun’s Locker. www.bosuns.co.uk (chandlery andmarine brokerage)